Sekander Badshah

Sekander Badshah

I have worked as a business development manager and held multiple marketing-related positions since 2014. I have worked with local and international brands like weDevs, Themeum, Cloudways, LifterLMS, and Elegant Themes. Now, I am on my 11th attempt at entrepreneurship with CrewHRM. I have been making funny WordPress themes and plugins since 2011.

I am a student of business administration with a major in international business and marketing. I have been contributing to several open-source projects like Wikipedia, Mozilla, Linux, and WordPress, of course. I have spoken in WordCamp Nagpur and WordCamp Asia. WordCamp Udaipur is my 5th international WordCamp. I plan to share everything I have learned about WordPress products, markets, businesses, competition, idea generation, and customer support in my session.
