Davinder has been around the internet for more than 15 years now. Started as a technology blogger and then transitioned into web design and development world, Davinder is a web agency entrepreneur.
He helps his prominent clients with design and development services, and has made a name for himself while doing so. If you’ve been on WordPress for a while, it’s a good chance you’ve seen Davinder around either working on something cool, or helping a fellow WordPresser.
Recently, Davinder started to share his learnings on his website. In this vertical, he brings all his learnings so far together and adds his day-to-day experiences in the form of the content including posts, resources, videos, courses, and podcast.
Being part of the club who migrated from Blogger to WordPress, Davinder started using themes and tinkering with them. His first stop was Revolution themes which made the way for him to discover Genesis Framework. Using Genesis as he quotes “made me better at code and learning the underlying architecture of WordPress code.”.
Davinder also had his fun with using new generation page builders while choosing Beaver Builder to be his primary driver.

Session Overview:
- How can you ensure success online as a solopreneur creating amazing things on the web?
- What are the practical ingredients needed for a successful solopreneurs journey?
- How you as a “solo” person can bring in the right elements for online success?
- How to master mixing work with right connections, social platforms, authority building while maintaining work-life balance?