Developing Gamification Platform on top of WordPress

Dasun Edirisinghe from Sri Lanka, and is obsessed with WordPress. He started using WordPress in 2011 and it soon became his hobby, passion, and career.

Working as Lead UX Designer/Lead WordPress Developer for John Keells Computer Services, Dasun also is the founder of the WordPress Colombo Meetup and contributes to the WordPress Sinhala Translation.

Dasun will be speaking on Developing Gamification Platform on top of WordPress

In his talk the major focus would be on the following key points:

  • What is gamifications
  • Why we need gamifications
  • Game elements and WordPress Components
  • Developing a gamification platform in WordPress ( Architecture / Elements )
  • Conclusion ( Using WordPress for Application Developments )


WordCamp Udaipur 2017 is over. Check out the next edition!